「もてなし」は最高なクリエイティブなコトである。 マニュアル化されたサービスとは異なり、その瞬間瞬間の機転を活かし、創造していくコトなのだ。 その場を訪れた人のことを真剣に思い、考えることで自然的に生まれる行為だからである。 供給過多によるモノ余り社会において、今後ますますハードよりソフトが重視される時代になり、そこで「サービス」ではない「もてなし」ができる店が生き残るだろう。
Service to Hospitality
The word “service” always exists in all sorts of merchandises. Service is a give and take behavior; making people in the space happy, as a service and people will return something back to us in exchange of the service we gave them. On the other hand, hospitality is almost beautiful and based on a deep thought. Hospitality is a give and give behavior which you don’t expect anything in return and do your best in the space for the people at the time. Hospitality is not something you can learn or force someone to do. Hospitality is the most creative behavior and it is totally different from the service the staff trained to do. You need to be spontaneous and sensitive to each moment and also to be creative to give someone hospitality. In this oversupplied society, soft services will be more demanded than hard services and moreover, the restaurants and shops which can give hospitality to their customers will survive.