

但し、それは機能を無視したモノではなく、機能を今以上に重視しつつデザインする、それも表面的なカッコよさや視覚的に受け入れられやすいモノを直接狙っ ていくのではなく、リゾーム(根茎)から耕作したフィロソフィーを掘り耕し、それをできる限り実直にかつスマートに
落とし込んだ空間(場)や商品(モノ)、そしてその場で過ごす時間(時)を提供できる商環境こそ、今、人々が求めていることではないだろうか。また、企業におけるメセナ(文化貢献)活動やフィランソロピー(社会貢献)活動など、社会全体に対して自分達に何ができ、そしてそれをいかにアピールするかというコーズマーケティング(大義マーケティ ング)や自然との調和をうたう戦略が主流になりつつある。

マニアックな行為は、時間軸さえ合えば必ずメジャーになりうる要素を含 んでいると言えよう。


Keywords for Commercial Spaces

Recently through the various kinds of projects we have involved, I started to think that everything need to shift from function to design; design that touch people’s heartstrings. It doesn’t mean ignoring function, moreover, it means to design something while taking function more seriously. People don’t want something just cool and visually nice because it is superficial. People want a space and a product that has a philosophy and solid base. Also many companies are starting to think how they can contribute to the society through patronage and philanthropy, and how to appeal those cooperative efforts using cause marketing. As people become conscious more and more about the environment, companies are trying to show their sustainable mind as a marketing strategy. “Nature” and “Environment” is one of the powerful keywords for commercial spaces. Customers are now more aware of the environment and the impact for the environment of the products they are purchasing. We also can see how crucial the problems we are facing by this raise of customers’ consciousness towards the environment, and now it is an inevitable fact that people want sustainable mind in commercial spaces.
Also, there are people you want to have when you need to expect next hot businesses and trends in commercial spaces. Those people are so-called “maniacs” or “freaks.” In the history, people who made the trend of the time are those who were being maniacs or freaks of a certain thing. “Otaku” is the word for nerds, but we shouldn’t overlook the possibilities of their ability of getting to the bottom of a certain thing. I believe they are the one who can find a new way to create something new in this oversupplied society.