

仕事柄、施主様ご指定の施工ブレーン会社の方と組む機会も多く、中にはそんな大切なセレモニーをぶち壊す輩もいないとは言えません。 平気で納期遅れを開き直る。施工上ダメなところを申告せずにバレ無ければラッキー的な思考を押し通してきたり、首をかしげたくなることもあります。

Property Handover

When handing over the project to our client is like a ceremony not only for designers but also for constructors and all the people involved in the project. There are some constructors who ruin the ceremony by not finishing their work by due date and assume a defiant attitude or pretend not to see their mistakes. For us, it is simply a common sense to finish our job perfectly for clients who paid their money for us, but for some people it isn’t. As a designer, people tend to think us as liberal from our fashion and our creative thinking, so I think it is important for designers to value moral, common sense and etiquette more than the people in other occupations. Like the saying “All is good that ends well,” we must think property handover as a important “ceremony.”