Suigyo no Yorokobi (Suomachi)

横20M、 3層のファサード全面に乾燥昆布を吊り、道ゆく人々の目を楽しませている。カメラを手に、ファサードを撮影する観光客を目にすることも少なくない。店内1Fは本物の魚屋(岩本水産)で2F・3Fが居酒屋になっており、下が魚屋というパブリシティ効果で取材が絶えず、予約必至の店舗である。運営はオペレーションファクトリーでオペレーション力も抜群です。
The dried kelps hanging on the 20 meter wide facade makes quite the impression on the people. It is not rare to see some tourists taking pictures of the facade from the street. The first floor is a fish shop (Iwamoto Suisan) and the second and third floor is izakaya (a bar/ restaurant.) An Izakaya that has a fish shop on the first floor is rare so it continues attracting media and customers, so making a reservation is a must if you with to dine there. It is operated by Operation Factory, and with their experience and knowledge, well-performed service is guaranteed there.