JIKAN STYLEのJIKANは「時感」。字のごとく時の訪れや移ろいを表現し、それを生活のスタイルの一部に取り入れて欲しいという願いから生まれた言葉です。『文化遺伝子の伝承』をコンセプトに、手ぬぐいという昔から存在する商品を通して、文化の息づかいを感じていただきたいという思いで開発したブランドです。繊細な時の訪れや移ろいを、布という素材で、その繊細さを表現した店舗デザインは様々な反響を生んでいます。
JIKAN in Chinese characters is represented as時 (ji) 感 (kan) and it is a word we created for this project. “時 (ji)” is time and “感 (kan)” is to feel, so it means to feel how time flows, and the word invites you to feel the flow of the time and reflect that feeling into their everyday life. JIKAN STYLE is a store that only carries Tenugui (a thin Japanese hand towel made of cotton,) and it is developed under a concept of “handing down the cultural gene” through its Tenugui which has not changed much over time. The design to express the delicate flow of time by using cotton cloth is creating a great sensation.